Endorsement Preparation

Contact us at prorideralbuquerque@gmail.com for information about special discounts for groups, active duty military, veterans, police, fire & EMS 

8 hr Endorsement Preparation Class  $150

After a year of research, we have learned and confirmed with NM Motor Vehicle Department that any rider age 18 may take the written and driving test in order to obtain their motorcycle endorsement without a required basic rider course.

ProRider Albuquerque is dedicated to helping riders obtain their motorcycle endorsement and creating safer riders. We have worked with our instructors and are willing to provide special classes that allow riders to practice skills required to pass the driving test and practical application of the written test skills. 


Ownership of a motorcycle: cruiser, touring, sport, dual-purpose (must be street legal). It is not suggested to transport the motorcycle illegally.

• Motorcycle must have:

    – Valid registration

    – Valid inspection (where applicable)

    – Valid insurance coverage

• Intermediate rider skill level

• Rider safety gear, to include:

    – DOT approved helmet

    – Eye protection

    – Above-the-ankle boots - high top sneakers are not acceptable

    – Gloves (open, or full-fingers)

    – Durable, long pants - no athletic pants of any kind

Riders will...

• "Bond" with their personal motorcycles and familiarize with the bike's full capabilities and limitations

• Learn and practice low-speed techniques that are perfect for those pesky parking lots and tight turnarounds (...and when you want to impress your friends, or passenger).

• Practice braking, evasive maneuvers, and hazard avoidance exercises that may save your ride and hide from serious damage, injury or death.

Provided are links to the MVD Driver Manuals. Under the Driver's Manual starting on page 35 is information relevant to motorcycle drivers. Once a rider has prepared for the written and driving test, they will need to contact their local MVD office to schedule a date and time to take their written test. Upon passing the written test, the rider will be given a permit that allows them to ride their motorcycle to the driving test site. To schedule the Motorcycle Skills Exam, riders will need to contact Eric Vasquez or Kevin at (505) 795-3902. Motorcycle Skills Exams normally take place every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month between the hours of 9am and 12pm at 3401 Pan American FRWY NW, Albuquerque 87107. Be sure to have a motorcycle in proper operating condition, helmet, proof of insurance, valid registration, motorcycle learners permit and/or test scores.